Protection Type
Serial Number or iLok Dongle
Windows Requirements
  • Host application compatible with:
    • AAX Native plugins
    • RTAS plugins
    • VST plugins
  • This product requires the UVI Workstation, please download the latest version of it if you haven't already installed it. It works as Standalone, VST, AAX, or RTAS on windows in 64bits only
  • Core duo or faster
  • 2 GB of RAM
  • Windows 8 or higher
  • Hard Drive: when using Streaming, faster drive will allow more voices to play, SSDs are the best choice (Solid State Drives).
Mac Requirements
  • Host application compatible with:
    • AAX Native plugins
    • Audio-Unit plugins
    • RTAS plugins
    • VST plugins
  • This product requires the UVI Workstation, please download the latest version of it if you haven't already installed it. It works as Standalone, Audio Unit, VST, and AAX on Mac in 64bits only
  • MacIntel processors
  • 2 GB of RAM
  • MAC OS X 10.9 or higher
  • Hard Drive: when using Streaming, faster drive will allow more voices to play
Brush Drum kit
The DrumTaste Brush is a Brush Kit featuring a mix of many different gear.


It includes:

• 22" Yamaha Stage Custom Bass Drum (3 mic positions, 4 Round Robins, 186 samples)
• 14" Snare PEARL M1440 piccolo (3 mic positions, 4 RR, 6 hits: center L, center R, center L stay, center R stay,
• Rimshot, soft, 1272 samples)
• Brush samples (3 mic positions, 4 RR, 4 hits: circle attack, circle soft, attack, long, 345 samples)
• 10" Hi Tom Yamaha Stage Custom (3 mic positions, 4 RR, hard and soft 363 samples)
• 14" Low Tom Yamaha Stage Custom (3 mic positions, 4 RR, 363 samples)
• 22" Istanbul turkish Ride (2 mic position, 4RR, 4 hits: 68 samples)
• 22" Istanbul Agop ride (2 mic position, 4RR, 56 samples)
• 13" Paiste Hihat (3 mic positions, 5 openess levels + choke samples, 4RR, foot pedal samples, 717 samples)

Product Features

  • 1.42Gb uncompressed, 709Mb compressed in lossless flac format, around 3382 samples
  • 3 different microphone positions for each drum
  • 20 velocity layers X 4 round robins and 6 vel layers for the two ride cymbals
  • custom mapping with presets
  • stereo and Multi-output versions to make the mixing possibilities even easier
  • hihat with 5 levels on openess and triggering from one key depending on a controller value and automatic closing sound
  • playable instrument, right hand and left hand mappings
  • detailed snare, 6 different hit positions and multiple brush actions
  • 4 different brush actions
  • advanced UVI scripting


OS : Mac OSX Mac OSXWindows Windows
Formats : AAX NativeStandalone ApplicationAudio-UnitRTASVST
Acousticsample products must be protected via iLok.
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