Jazz Drum Kit
The DrumTasteJazz is a sonor Jazz Drum Kit:
• 18' Bass Drum
• 14' Sonor Snare
• 10' Sonor Jungle Snare
• 6' Tamburim
• 10' Hi Tom
• 14' Low Tom
• 22' Kashian Ride
• 22' Istambul ride
• 14' Zildjian Hihat
Product Features
- 1818 samples, 1.16 Gb of samples
- 3 microphone positions for each drum that you can mix and/or disable from the interface
- about 20 velocity layers
- 4 round robins for snares, hihat and rides, 2 round robins for the other elements
- custom mapping with presets
- stereo and Multi-output versions to make the mixing possibilities even easier
- hihat with 5 levels on openess and triggering with one key
- playable instrument, right hand and left hand mappings
- detailed snares, 6 different hit positions for the 14' snare and 4 for the 10' one
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