Fender Telecaster
The Telematic V3 is a thoroughly sampled Fender Telecaster.
Acoustic Samples recorded both pickups separately to give you access to the variety of sounds of this famous guitar model.
They sampled it systematically, every frets of each string with upstrokes, downstrokes, round robins, releases, staccatos, mutes, slides, hammer ons, pull offs, retriggers, fretnoises, and other articulations. All of these details allow them to reproduce the real sound of playing of a Fender Telecaster.
There are 4 modes, the solo mode that allows to play melodies, the chord mode that helps playing strums or picking very easily, the patterns mode that does all of the strumming or picking for you and finally the MIDI mode that allows you to use your preffered midi guitar controler.
Product Features
- 8.28Gb, 9562 samples.
- Strumming engine
- Legato script to play natural hammer ons pull offs and slides.
- Natural hand placement simulation.
- 5 velocity layers for the sustain up, sustain down, sustain up retriggered, sustain down retriggered and 10 release samples per note.
- Multi velocity Hammer on, pull off, slides up, slides down, mutes, ghost notes, pre notes.
- Cabinet simulation.
- Multieffect chain (expandable in the FX tab).
- Control over the different pickups.
- Advanced bend control.
OS :
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