The Organic Vocoder, the First and Last step for Vocoding
A Legend is Reborn !
Vocoder 5000 is inspired by the EMS Flagship Vocoder (EMS 5000 -1976- Probably the most complex and powerful analog Vocoder ever built). XILS-lab used the knowledge acquired during the emulation of both the VCS3 synthesizer and the VP300 VocoderPlus to develop the XILS Vocoder 5000 Model.
A Vocoder is a synthesizer which accepts an external sound source, a musical instrument or prerecorded signal, and processes it, with or without a keyboard, into a huge variety of sounds.
Human voice, the most variable sound of all, is fed into the Vocoder, so that you can alter its pitch, Tone, Vibrato, all its characteristics. Then this allows you to synthetise a Choir from a single voice, or even to create melodies from ordinary speech.
You may also process Drums, percussive elements, guitars or any kind of synthesizer, to breathe some analog life into them, or completely reshape them. You can even derive some pure synth patterns from drumloops. Everything and anything is possible.
XILS 5000 Vocoder
Clarity, Purity: The XILS Vocoder 5000 emulates the sophisticated filtering techniques and incredibly complex circuitry of its analog counterpart to achieve the same organic sound, precision and… clarity.
Easy to use for beginners, yet incredibly powerful for power users: The user interface offers a standard single panel view. Everything is there, right in front of you, with a vast number of presets to get you started. Should you want, or need, to go deeper, the Logo Center Panel will switch to a vast selection of advanced panels displaying the advanced parameters of the XILS Vocoder 5000 module if you should wish to explore and experiment further. There are dozens of advanced parameters to chose from.
Back to the 21st Century: Because it’s from XILS-lab, it offers many advanced features that its ancestor could not possibly have offered at that time: the number of EQ Bands, Filter types, Filter’s Emphasis and Emphasis ponderation, more Slew Rate mods, more Freeze mods, 2 LFOs (Original had none), Detailed FM and PWM, more Oscillator Waveforms, an improved Input detector (Sibilants), Gate input etc., etc.
You can also animate the Matrix by freely drawing lines. It has its own presets as well. (This is very useful once you’ve found the perfect template for a certain voice.)
Product Features
- A Matrix Patch Area (22x22 or 20x20)
- Two Synthesizer cores
- Two oscillators per core, modeled from the EMS VCS3 oscillators
- One noise per core
- Two LFOs per core
- One VCA-ADSR per core
- One 22 bands filter vocoder.
- One 20 bands filter vocoder
- Stereo analysis and synthesis available
- Side chain for adding external audio source to the carrier
- A virtual keyboard, which can be saved within your presets.
- A finely tweak analog-like pitch tracker.
- An input gate for reducing the noise
- A Voice/unVoise detector
- A full output mixer applied to any of the internal audio path
- A huge Frequency shifter effect.
- All parameters are MIDI controllable
- Presets for using quickly the XILS 5000 in all is glory
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